Here's some art that actually made me sad to create... Kevin Conroy was of course the voice of Batman for 30 incredible years, bringing this character to life in so many different ways over the decades. From his epic debut as the character in Batman the Animated Series & his truly fantastic video game trilogy in the Arkham series.
I probably watched the original animated series 100 times over as a kid, then even more in my adulthood. Then I remember Batman: Arkham Asylum being my reintroduction back to the legendary voice talents of Kevin, as well as Mark Hamill & Arleen Sorkin.
2009's Arkham Asylum was a game I played so many times, it was just such a blast every single time. There would be school nights I would sneak down into the family room really late once everyone was asleep, just to play Arkham Asylum again.
Then there was one night I was playing, it was during the first Scarecrow interaction, which is already a super creepy sequence w/ horrifying voices whispering, "get out of here," bugs crawling all over the floors & walls, shadowy figures appearing in the distance, dead parents being mean, just pure nightmare fuel lol
Anyways, in the middle of all this, I had to pause the game to go to the bathroom. As I turned around from the TV, I see in the distance standing in the dark is a little girl (my youngest sister) w/ a blanket over her head looking like a mini ghostly Grim Reaper. I about crap myself thinking, "this is it. Where the hell is Batman?!" Turned out my sister randomly developed a small case of sleepwalking that night & it is now a terrifying memory I live w/ forever, thanks largely in part due to Kevin Conroy's iconic performance as Batman sucking me into every minute of his time as the character.
Sadly, I will never get to share this story w/ Kevin or thank him for all the joy, entertainment, laughs, tears, & obviously the suspense that his work provided haha
Thank you, Kevin Conroy.
Rest in peace.
Digital Art Tribute to Kevin Conroy as Batman

Animated Art Showcase
Art Timelapse
Timelapse w/ Commentary